Homemade Pierogi

Embark on a culinary journey filled with warmth and tradition with our Homemade Pierogi recipe. These delightful dumplings, stuffed with creamy mashed potatoes, savory onions, and rich cheddar cheese, are wrapped in tender dough for a comforting and satisfying meal. Whether boiled or pan-fried to golden perfection, each bite of these Homemade Pierogi is sure to evoke feelings of nostalgia and joy.


For the Dough:

  • 6 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups cold water (divided)
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 6 tablespoons canola or vegetable oil
  • 2 teaspoons salt

For the Filling:

  • 3 ¾ pounds baking potatoes
  • 1 medium white onion, finely diced
  • ⅓ cup softened butter, divided
  • 4 ½ cups cheddar cheese, finely shredded
  • Salt, to taste
  • White pepper, to taste (or very fine black pepper)

For Cooking and Serving:

  • 1 onion, diced or thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons butter (or as needed for frying)
  • Sour cream, optional, for serving


For the Dough:

  1. In a large bowl, combine flour, beaten eggs, oil, salt, and 1 ½ cups of water. Mix well until a dough forms, adjusting water if needed.
  2. Knead the dough on a floured surface for 4 to 5 minutes until smooth. Cover and let it rest for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

For the Filling:

  1. Peel and cube the potatoes, then boil them in salted water until tender.
  2. Sauté diced onions in 2 tablespoons of butter until tender.
  3. Mash cooked potatoes in a bowl. Add sautéed onions, cheddar cheese, remaining butter, salt, and white pepper. Mix until smooth.


  1. Roll out half of the dough on a floured surface to ⅛-inch thickness. Cut out circles using a 3-inch cutter.
  2. Place 1 ½ tablespoons of filling in the center of each circle. Fold over to form a semi-circle and pinch the edges closed.

To Cook:

  1. In a skillet, heat butter and cook diced onions until tender. Set aside.
  2. Boil pierogi in salted water until they float, then transfer to skillet with onions and fry until golden brown.
  3. Serve warm with sautéed onions and optional sour cream.

Prep Time: 20 minutes | Cooking Time: Varies | Total Time: 2 hours 10 minutes | Servings: 65

Serving and Storage Tips:

Serving Tips:

  1. Serve with Sauces: Accompany your Homemade Pierogi with a variety of sauces such as sour cream, apple sauce, or caramelized onions for an extra burst of flavor.
  2. Garnish Creatively: Sprinkle chopped fresh herbs like parsley or chives over the pierogi before serving to add a pop of color and freshness.
  3. Pair with Salad: Serve your pierogi alongside a crisp green salad dressed with vinaigrette for a well-balanced and satisfying meal.
  4. Experiment with Toppings: Get creative with toppings by adding crispy bacon bits, sliced green onions, or a drizzle of balsamic glaze for unique flavor combinations.
  5. Share Family-Style: Arrange the pierogi on a large platter and place it in the center of the table for a family-style dining experience that encourages sharing and bonding.
  6. Add Texture: For added texture and crunch, lightly toast the boiled pierogi in a skillet with melted butter before serving.
  7. Serve as Appetizers: Miniature-sized pierogi can be served as appetizers at parties or gatherings. Skewer them with toothpicks for easy handling.
  8. Accompany with Pickles: Serve pickled vegetables such as cucumbers, carrots, or red cabbage alongside the pierogi to provide a tangy contrast to the rich flavors.
  9. Reheat with Care: When reheating leftovers, pan-fry the pierogi in butter over medium heat until heated through and crispy on the outside.
  10. Enjoy as Leftovers: Leftover pierogi can be enjoyed cold or reheated for a quick and satisfying meal. They make a convenient and delicious option for lunch or dinner the next day.

Storage Tips:

  1. Refrigerate Properly: Store leftover pierogi in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days to maintain freshness and prevent drying out.
  2. Freeze for Later: To freeze pierogi for longer storage, arrange them in a single layer on a baking sheet and freeze until solid. Then, transfer to a freezer bag or container and store for up to 2-3 months.
  3. Label and Date: To keep track of storage times, label the containers with the contents and date of preparation before placing them in the refrigerator or freezer.
  4. Separate Layers: If stacking pierogi in a container for storage, place parchment paper or wax paper between layers to prevent sticking.
  5. Thaw Before Cooking: When ready to enjoy frozen pierogi, thaw them overnight in the refrigerator before reheating or cooking to ensure even heating throughout.
  6. Reheat with Caution: When reheating frozen pierogi, avoid microwaving as it can make them soggy. Instead, pan-fry or boil them until heated through.
  7. Use Proper Packaging: For long-term freezer storage, use freezer-safe bags or containers to prevent freezer burn and maintain quality.
  8. Portion Control: Freeze pierogi in portion-sized servings to easily thaw and reheat only what you need, minimizing waste.
  9. Refresh Texture: If pierogi become slightly dry after storage, brush them lightly with melted butter before reheating to restore moisture and flavor.
  10. Avoid Refreezing: Once thawed, do not refreeze pierogi as it can affect the texture and quality of the dough and filling.


  1. Sweet Potato Filling: Substitute traditional mashed potatoes with mashed sweet potatoes for a sweeter and richer filling.
  2. Meat Fillings: Add cooked ground meat such as beef, chicken, or pork to the filling mixture for a heartier option.
  3. Vegetarian Options: Experiment with vegetarian fillings such as sautéed mushrooms, spinach, or caramelized onions for a meat-free alternative.
  4. Herb Infusion: Mix chopped fresh herbs like dill, parsley, or chives into the potato filling for a burst of freshness and flavor.
  5. Spicy Twist: Incorporate diced jalapeños or red pepper flakes into the filling for a spicy kick.
  6. Cheese Varieties: Explore different cheese options such as feta, mozzarella, or Swiss to customize the flavor profile of the filling.
  7. Sauerkraut Filling: Traditional Polish pierogi often feature a sauerkraut and mushroom filling for a tangy and savory option.
  8. Fruit Pierogi: Create dessert pierogi by filling the dough with fruit preserves or compote, then dust with powdered sugar before serving.
  9. Whole Wheat Dough: Substitute part or all of the all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour for a healthier twist on the classic dough recipe.
  10. Mini Pierogi: Make bite-sized pierogi by using a smaller dough cutter and reducing the filling amount for cute and portable appetizers or snacks.


  1. Can I freeze pierogi before cooking them?
    • Yes, you can freeze uncooked pierogi by arranging them in a single layer on a baking sheet, freezing until solid, then transferring them to a freezer bag or container for long-term storage.
  2. Can I use store-bought dough instead of making my own?
    • While homemade dough is preferred for its freshness and flavor, you can use store-bought pierogi dough or even wonton wrappers as a time-saving alternative.
  3. What is the best way to reheat leftover pierogi?
    • To maintain their crispy texture, pan-frying pierogi in butter until golden brown on both sides is the best method for reheating leftovers. Alternatively, you can also bake them in the oven until heated through.
  4. Can I make pierogi ahead of time and refrigerate them before cooking?
    • Yes, you can assemble pierogi ahead of time and refrigerate them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper until ready to cook. This allows for easy meal prep and can be convenient for busy weeknights.
  5. Are pierogi typically served as a main dish or side dish?
    • Pierogi can be enjoyed as both a main dish or side dish, depending on personal preference and how they are prepared. They are often served with sour cream and garnished with onions as a main course, but can also accompany meat dishes as a side.
  6. Can I make pierogi dough without eggs?
    • Yes, you can make pierogi dough without eggs by simply omitting them from the recipe. The dough may be slightly less tender without eggs, but it will still work for making pierogi.

With our Homemade Pierogi recipe, you can experience the joy of crafting and enjoying these beloved dumplings right in your own kitchen. Whether you prefer them boiled or pan-fried, each bite offers a taste of tradition and comfort that is sure to delight your taste buds. Gather your loved ones and savor the goodness of Homemade Pierogi, a timeless dish that brings people together and creates cherished memories.